Parish Faith Formation

Religious education is a personal obligation that does not end with the reception of the sacraments but continues throughout adulthood. 

The faithful of all ages are urged throughout their lives to 


  • study the Bible in light of the Catholic faith
  • learn  the teachings of the Catholic faith through ongoing formation and education
  • foster those means which the Church uses to make the faith known and fervently practiced
  • e.g., Catholic media, lay retreats for men and women, confession of sins in the Sacrament of Penance, and frequent visits to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.


Being a practicing Catholic must be taught as a way of life.

We would love to have you join us in learning and growing in our faith. 

Contact the Coordinator of Religious Education for more information or to join a class. is a subscription-based website that provides Catholic content for individuals, families, and parishes to help them explore their faith. The site offers access to a variety of resources, including movies, audio books, podcasts, radio talks, studies, and more. Some say it's similar to Netflix for Catholics.

Thanks to a grant from the Harvest of Thanks, Springtime of Hope Capital Campaign , we are able to purchase access to for our parishioners!

So please, jump in and enjoy:


  • SIGN UP - Create your account to enjoy the Catholic Faith - on demand.
  • SIGN IN - To start watching, reading & listening!
  • PICK of the WEEK - Discover all kinds of video & audio to accompany you during the weekly liturgical calendar.
  • FORMED Daily – Start your dayy off right - be instpired and renewed each morning with a short video reflection on the daily Mass readings .



Parents are the first and foremost teachers of their children. 

Through the programs below, we hope to partner with parents in teaching our parish children to become dedicated missionary disciples:


  • Sacramental Preparation – for Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation & Eucharist.
  • Parish School of Religion (PSR) – Weekly religious training (grades K – 8).
  • Youth Group – Bi-weekly food, fun and fellowship, with a sprinkling of faith on top! 
  • grades 5 – 8
  • grades 9 - 12
  • TOTUS TUUS – Week-long summer “parish mission” program for youth (grades 1 – 12).
  • Catholic Schools:
  • Saint John Neumann Catholic School – Elementary Education (grades Pre-K – 8).
  • Father McGivney Catholic High School  – Secondary Education (grades 9 – 12).



The mission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is to build a fervent community of intentional and dedicated missionary disciples of the Risen Lord and steadfast stewards of God’s creation who seek to become saints.  Learning together is one way to grow towards this goal. 

We offer several opportunities for adults in the parish to learn and fellowship together:


  • ADULT STUDIES – Weekly studies on various topics.
  • RENEW – Weekly discussion on the upcoming Sunday Gospel.
  • CHURCH MISSION – Annual mission for the parish.
  • CRHP – Christ Renews His Parish – a personal and parish spiritual renewal process.
  • OCIA – Order of Christian Initiation of Adults – instruction for adults interested in joining the church.



The aim of a catechist is to lead their students to a deeper knowledge and love of Jesus and His Church so that they may form a firm commitment to follow Christ. Through their service the catechist nurtures and mentors the faith and spiritual growth of their students.

Catechists transmit the Gospel to the faithful; as such, the person of the catechist must be conformed to the person of Christ in order to faithfully hand on that Good News. The Diocese of Springfield in Illinoise provides ongoing training and great materials to aid in the success of each catechist. All Catechists are required to complete SAFE ENVIRONMENT training to ensure a safe environment for our students.

If you feel a nudge or a willingness to “echo the faith”, please call the parish office or email the Coordinator for Religious Education to volunteer.
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